Skin Conditions

By taking a non-steroidal and chemical-free approach to heal skin conditions, our approach in alleviating dermatological issues is to address them at the root cause, through both acupuncture and traditional herbal medicine.

Our non-steroidal approach helps to maximise your immune system’s ability to fight the disease and regain optimum health through a safe, natural healing process. Herbal medicine helps to resolve not only the skin condition but ultimately balance the whole body’s function promoting healthy digestion, stable emotions and renewed vitality.


Common Skin Complaints

Eczema Hair loss Dry itchy skin Vitiligo
Acne Atopic dermatitis Shingles Seborrheic dermatitis
Psoriasis Hives Cold sores Perioral dermatitis

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Chinese herbal medicine involves the use of natural medicinal substances to regulate and normalise bodily functions. Most medicinal substances are plant based. Leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and seeds can all have medicinal properties.

According to Chinese medicine theory of Yin–yang, all opposing forces and matter in the universe can be defined as yin or yang. They interrelate with each other but are also two opposite aspects. Water is yin, fire is yang. Earth is yin, heaven is yang. Blood is yin, bodily functions are yang.